Articles tagged "refineries"

Ukraine Daily Summary - Sunday, April 28

Russia's Krasnodar Krai oil refinery 'partially suspends' operations after drone attack -- Ukraine’s military intelligence says it hit Russian $5 million, low altitude radar system -- Slovak citizens raise $4 million for Czech ammunition initiative after government refuses to contribute -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Tuesday, April 9

Russia asks Kazakhstan to resupply gasoline in case of shortages -- Russian attacks aim to make Kharkiv uninhabitable for civilians -- Russian missile ship set on fire near Kaliningrad -- State Department: Russia is playing 'very dangerous game' at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant -- Russia uses trolls to undermine US support for Ukraine -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, April 3

What’s left of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet? -- Ukraine hits oil refinery in Russia's Tatarstan with long-range drone -- Why some far-right Republicans are hell bent on ending further aid to Ukraine -- NATO considers establishing $100 billion fund to aid Ukraine over 5 years -- and more

Ukraine Daily Summary - Tuesday, March 26

Why ISIS attacked Russia and why Russia blames Ukraine -- Russian ambassador rejects Poland's summons over missile in Polish airspace -- Russia's response to terrorist attack, alleged torture of suspects, follows pattern of abuse in Ukraine -- Russian landing ship 'critically damaged' by Ukrainian missile strike -- Russia's Kuibyshev oil refinery stops one of primary units after drone attack -- and more