
Anstattradler @[email protected]

Informationstausch für #mobilitätswende und #Visionzero für mehr Sicherheit auf unseren Straßen

alfredb @[email protected]

Retired software engineer and IT pro

:thilo: @[email protected]

Software-engineer-turned-manager tooting about Linux, containers / kubernetes and cloud things, and occasional photography and gaming.
Works on Flatcar Container Linux.

Viezlimo @[email protected]

Junge der 90er, lacht gerne und viel.

Begeisterungsfähig für Raum, Zeit und das Leben, gute Gespräche, wilde Innovationen und Entwicklungen: persönlich, gesellschaftlich, weltweit, international, global, planetarisch.

Liebt Verbindungen und Emergenz.

Weißer Hetero-Cis-Mann
#fcknzs #fckafd #fckptn

happyemo @[email protected]

G+ refugee, Okuna refugee

roteiro @[email protected]

Dad. Cyclist. Linux/Open-Source-User. Speaks some Python. Acoustician. Types his toots on NEO2. Part-time nerd. Joined team sourdough during corona. Works @DB, toots are my private opinion. From Munich

Artem Anufrij @[email protected]

* open source enthusiast
* hobby musician
* fediverse fan

Germany / Fürth

Irati 🦉🔱 @[email protected]

"But what if I...?" - OMFG, No!
Full Stack Spoilsport.
Antifascist feminist pacifist.
Not "a man".
Music. Fencing. Hacks of Poetry. Genderfuckery. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈⚧️

Every person* has a right to their life how they wish to live it.
* except Nazis and other exclusionary fuckheads, get the fuck lost. @[email protected]

#Sourdough homebaker, currently in #Hongkong languages #GER #ENG
Interested in many things #photo #film #yoga #cycling #nature #art #politics
🚫 fascism or communism of any kind