OG Hipster Blogger since 2000, the time before blogging was ever cool


Juanro49 @[email protected]

🇬🇦 🏴󠁥󠁳󠁥󠁸󠁿 Monitor deportivo e intento de programador (combinación rara como yo (◕‿◕) ). Nacíu en Estremaúra #Estremeñu

Mis redes libres:

Mastodon –> @[email protected]

Pixelfed –> @[email protected]

Pleroma –> @[email protected]

Peertube –> @[email protected]

#fedi22 #linux #foss #privacy #privacidad #tech #programming #programación #SailfishOS #mtb #btt #bikes #socialismo #comunismo

ADRN @[email protected]

J’aime les gens, et râler. Soyez mon ami⋅e on pourra râler ensemble ?

Tom Goldoin @[email protected]

Plus j’aime l’informatique, moins j’aime ce que l’on en fait.
Membre de l’association Deuxfleurs où on essaye d’imaginer un internet convivial.

Aussi sur Mastodon et Twitter

Till Wegmüller @[email protected]

Hacker, Businessman, OSS Maintainer and trying to understand the world. I have a Sponsor for my OSS work at: https://github.com/sponsors/Toasterson and mostly blog about whatever I do and think about in my Blogs. Hope you enjoy